Insurance Services Provided by Lockton and Redkik

Lockton’s mission is to reduce business risks through tailored insurance solutions. With a dedicated team of Cargo and Logistics specialists, Lockton provides customized insurance policies designed for reliability and cost-effectiveness. Businesses can secure the best possible coverage, while Lockton’s claims team is on hand to assist in achieving the best possible outcomes.

Redkik offers on-demand, per-load cargo insurance. With a single click during shipment booking, shippers and freight brokers can connect with leading global insurance companies for coverage tailored to their needs. Redkik provides a seamless and instant insurance solution with the goal of simplifying logistics and transportation and providing lower risk and higher coverage for any type of shipment.

Hear from Our Customers

Don’t take our word for it. Take theirs! Here are just a few of our favorite customer testimonials.

    “Everyone at EKA has been willing to go above and beyond, not only on the TMS side of things, but on the consulting/coaching sides; EKA team members have a wealth of experience and knowledge to share to help customers grow.”

    Alex Schick
    Co-Founder and CCO

    “EKA is easy to use and more efficient than other tools used in the past. Support is outstanding; onboarding/implementation was outstanding; I recommend EKA as a 10 out of 10.”

    Brent Bayouth
    Managing Partner

    “EKA’s ability to integrate seamlessly with industry leading providers gives us the advantage we are looking for in this market. It helps drive down costs and improve efficiency in our fleet, ultimately giving us an edge.”

    Ryan Farrell

    “The system is very thorough and well thought out which saves us time. We appreciate having a partner who is willing and able to listen, and put tools into play quickly.”

    Nick Liening