Automation & Workflows

Simplify and optimize with a TMS that goes beyond execution for you.

automations and workflows dashboard

Increasing Productivity
and Efficiency

  • Advanced Tools for Every Workflow

    Whether tools for loads, active freight management, or an operating system for brokers or dispatchers, get it all in one system.

  • Adaptable Task Management

    Leverage purpose-built workflows for your next tasks, with configurability and dynamic interfaces for better streamlining.

  • In-Depth, Real-Time Data

    Stay informed with the real-time data, details, and context you need while maintaining a simple user experience.

  • Flexible Views & Dashboards

    Get daily dashboards with custom views to manage tasks, view activity and trends, and understand revenue and margins.

  • Syncing & Automation

    Make every workflow more efficient with route-assist and price-assist capabilities, auto-matching, documents, and accounting, including third-party AR financing, insurance, and other services.

Workflows Tailored to Specific Roles
and Specific Tasks

EKA’s high-performance, exception-driven platform is your route to transformed transportation management, from a world-class cybersecurity and data privacy company.

  • Streamlined Freight Distribution

    Save time posting, offering, and negotiating loads, sending email requests, and following routing guides with automation.

  • Active Freight Management

    Ensure end-to-end visibility, set appointments, manage planned and exception events, and adapt to changes throughout each load's lifecycle.

  • Operational Accounting

    Add load documents automatically, review settlements and invoices, and complete financial processes faster.

  • Unique Dashboards for Planners, Brokers and Dispatchers

    Handle dispatching and planning with complete workflow automation, manage commitments, and keep drivers moving efficiently.

  • On-Demand Cargo Insurance

    Quote, bind, and get your certificate of insurance in real-time, at negotiated rates, without directly dealing with a third party.